Project Description & Land Use |
Feb 15, 2007 |
The project has been divided into three major sections which correspond roughly to the expected sequence of development. Each section is further divided into phases which will be submitted individually for Final Development Plan review.
Section 1, nearest the current sewer trunk line, is planned primarily for residential use. A small area at the corner of Lee Vaughn Road and White Drive is reserved for possible non-residential use such as storage, greenhouse, neighborhood gardens, etc. Section 1 currently consists of two phases. Phase 1A will be built at the currently allowed R-S density of 1.7 dwelling units per acre (DU/Ac). Phase 1B is expected to increase density slightly to approximately 2 DU/Ac.

Section 2, the area surrounding the central lake and extending from Lee Vaughn Road to White Drive, is planned for three phases. Phase 2A will contain the 30 +/- acre town center in addition to multi-use and multi-family residential, single family attached residential, possible urgent care and other medical facilities, public service facilities, retirement and assisted living areas, recreation areas and amenities. Phase 2B is multi-use residential, possibly including a retirement and assisted living community. These phases are located between Lee Vaughn Roadand the lake, with the commercial and public facilities designed to serve
not only Ottaray residents but other neighboring communities in the Scuffletown Area as well. Phase 2C, the area west of the lake, is planned for primarily single family detached units of mixed price range and lot size. An environmental education center may be included in Phase 2C near the lake dam or island, highlighting natural aspects of the flora and fauna of the area.
The town center, already identified on the newly released Scuffletown Road Area Plan, will be developed as a Neo Traditional, “new urban” rural-scale mixed use village with retail and office, live-work units, high density residential, community services, and a wide variety of recreation. Over time there will be small shops and offices included in several main buildings fronting the village green. Strict design guidelines will be instituted, with the intent of giving a “cobblestone village” image. This will be accomplished by the by selective use of brick pavers for streets and sidewalks, plazas and courtyards containing fountains and statuary, accessible sidewalks throughout, and a careful architectural review of building facades to insure compatibility with the theme of the village. The village will be scaled to fit the Planning Commission’s intention of a Neighborhood Center, and is expected to be similar in size and scale to Greenville’s Lewis Plaza on Augusta Road.
Section 3, the area south of Bethany road, will be developed several years in the future after infrastructure components have been extended to the area. It is planned for multiuse residential of mixed density and price range. Due to the lower densities planned for Section 1, the densities will be somewhat higher in Section 3, however the overall density for the development will remain at or under the 2.4 DU/A designated for this PD district. Throughout the entire development, smaller lots will be concentrated in the interior of each phase, with larger, lower density lots around the outside of the property.